
A presência de todos durante as apresentações dos seminários é obrigatória !

Information on the course on Electromagnetism A, SFI5708, 2023-2

Semester: 2023-2
Responsable: Prof. Philippe W. Courteille,
Start and end of classes: 16.8.2023 to 27.11.2023
Queries: via e-mail
Time and location of classes:Mondays and Wednesdays from 10h00 to 12h00 in room 18 of bloco F2 or via Google meet
Dates of the seminar: 20.11.2023 to 27.11.2023
Holidays: 4.9.-9.9.2023 (semana da patria), 12.10.-14.10.2023 (Nossa Senhora Aparecida), 28.10 (consagração ao funcionário público), 15.11 (proclamação da república)
Language: Portuguese, French, German or English (to be agreed with the students)
Theory 4 per week
Practice3 per weak
Studies 8 per weak
Duration15 weaks
Total 225 hours

This is a graduate course! The 'raison d'être' of graduate courses shall be to bring the student to the forefront of current research activities in the the lecturer's area of expertise. For the present course this means that the student is supposed to be familiar with the basics of electromagnetism and its formalism. It is up to the student who realizes that he has gaps of knowledge to fill them until being able to benefit from the lectures. Possible topics of this lecture include:

1. Maxwell's equations
2. Scalar and vectorial potentials
3. Gauge transform
4. Green's function for the wave eqution
5. Basic equations of electromagnetism
6. Conservation of linear and angular momentum for a system of charged particles and electromagnetic fields
7. Plane waves in non-conducting media
8. Polarization of electromagnetic waves
9. Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves at plane interfaces between dielectrics
10. Polarization by reflection and total internal reflection
11. Frequency dispersion in dielectrics, conductors and plasmas
12. Electromagnetic waves in conducting and dissipative media
13. Kramers-Kronig's relations
14. Cylindrical waveguides
15. Cylindrical resonant cavities
16. Radiation of localized harmonically oscillating sources
17. Dipolar electric, dipolar magnetic, and quadrupolar electric radiation
18. Simple antennas
19. Scalar diffraction theory
20. Vectorial diffraction theory
21. Liénard-Wiechert potentials and fields for point-like particles
22. Properties of electromagnetic fields and their sources upon Poincarré group transformations
23. Energy emission rates, linear and angular momentum for an arbitrarily moving particle
24. Radiation reaction


Written tests will be applied, homeworks will be given, and a seminar will be organized. The seminar will include a written monograph and an oral presentation. The seminar grade counts 1/2 of the final grade. The presentation of the exercises and the participation in the subsequent discussions will be evaluated and counts for 1/2 in the final grade.

Recomended literature: Philippe W. Courteille, Apostila do Curso: Electrodynamics
D.J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics
J.B. Marion, Classical Eletromagnetic Radiation
W.K. H. Panofsky e M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism
J.J. Jackson, Classical electrodynamics (John Wiley & Sons, 1999)
J.R. Reitz, F.J. Milford, R.W. Christy, Foundation of electromagnetic theory


To successfully absolve this course, the student must study the material indicated in the 'Topics' column and made available in the courses' booklet 'Electrodynamics' until the date indicated in bold letters in the table below. Also, he must solve the exercises indicated in blue color and be prepared to present it fluently.

Date of presentationChapter of scriptExerciseTopic
16.08.2023 6.1.1 - 6.1.2 Maxwell's equations and Helmholtz's theorem, potentials
22.08.2023 capacitor (Julia)
22.08.2023's equations for a particular charge and current density distribution (Nathan)
22.08.2023 diamagnetism (Diego)
22.08.2023 6.1.3 - 6.2.2 Macroscopic polarization and magnetization
23.08.2023 6.2.3 - 6.3.2 Conservation laws, electromagnetic potentials and gauge transform
28.08.2023 charge with constant current (Diego, Bruno)
28.08.2023 on magnetic monopoles (Anna)
28.08.2023 transform (Marcelo)
28.08.2023 of magnetic monopoles (Bruno)
28.08.2023 6.3.3 Green's function
30.08.2023 6.3.4 - 6.3.7 Retardation, Jejimenko's equations, potentials and fields of a moving point charge
04.09.2023 7.1.1 - 7.1.5 (online) Wave propagation, polarization, energy flow, plane waves in dielectrics
06.09.2023 of seawater (Willer)
06.09.2023 flux in a current-carrying wire (Vinicius Pinto)
06.09.2023 force of a charged sphere via Maxwell's tensor (Vinicios dos Santos)
06.09.2023 force via Maxwell's tensor (Diego)
06.09.2023 7.1.6 - 7.1.6 (online) Interfaces
11.09.2023 7.1.7 - 7.2.3 Transfer matrix formalism, optical dispersion, the Lorentz model
13.09.2023 on a current distribution in a magnetic field (Jaime)
13.09.2023 momentum of an electromagnetic field (Bruno)
13.09.2023 momentum of the electron (Anna)
13.09.2023 7.2.4 Radiative forces
13.09.2023, fields, and the Lorentz gauge (Luis)
25.09.2023 7.2.5 - 7.2.6 The Drude model, the Kramers-Kronig relations
27.09.2023 derived from potentials (Julia)
27.09.2023 gauge (Nathan + Julia)
27.09.2023 of retarded potentials (Marcelo)
27.09.2023énard-Wiechert potentials for a rotating charge (Willer)
27.09.2023 7.3.1 - 7.3.3 Green tensor, plasmons, hyperbolic materials
02.10.2023 7.3.4 - 7.3.6 Waveguides and cavities
04.09.2023 with the Lorentz force (Luis)
04.09.2023 matrices for a three-beam MOT (Vinicius Pinto)
04.09.2023's tensor for a plane wave (Vinicios dos Santos)
04.09.2023 spherical wave (Diego)
04.10.2023 7.4.1 - 7.4.2 Gaussian optics
09.10.2023 7.4.3 - 8.1.3 Fourier optics, multipolar expansion of radiation
16.10.2023 wave (Jaime, Bruno)
16.10.2023 crystal (Anna, Jaime)
16.10.2023 (Nathan)
16.10.2023 depth (Bruno)
16.10.2023 8.1.4 - 8.2.2 Multipolar expansion of the wave equation, radiation of point charges
18.10.2023 Faraday effect (Lucas)
18.10.2023 waves in a hollow wave guide (Marcelo)
18.10.2023 formula (Luis)
18.10.2023 and power of a Gaussian beam mode (Vinicius Pinto)
18.10.2023 8.3.1 - 8.3.2 Radiation reaction, diffraction and scattering
23.10.2023 9.1.1 - 9.1.6 Relativistic metric and Lorentz transform
25.10.2023 lens in ray and wave optics (Vinícius)
25.10.2023 distorsion by an axicon and a thin lens (Diego)
25.10.2023 and magnetic fields of an oscillating electric dipole (Julia, Jaime)
25.10.2023 emitted by a rotating electron (Nathan)
25.10.2023 9.2.1 - 9.3.1 Relativistic mechanics and electrodynamics
30.10.2023 9.3.2 - 9.3.5 Maxwell's stress tensor, energy and momentum conservation
01.11.2023 radiation (Vinicius Malafatti)
01.11.2023 velocities (Willer)
01.11.2023 order Doppler shift (Lucas)
01.11.2023 and Doppler-shift upon photon absorption (Lucas)
01.11.2023 Quantum sensing with correlated atoms and matter waves
06.11.2023 Lab visit
8.-29.11.2023 Seminar
30.11.2023 Lab course Turma 1 às 18h00 na Thorlabs
04.12.2023 Lab course Turma 2 às 18h00 na Thorlabs
05.12.2023 Lab course Turma 3 às 18h00 na Thorlabs

Other possible topics
Electromagnetic forces
Optical forces
Photonic recoil on free and confined atoms
Mie scattering, scattering from continuous and from disordered clouds
Bragg scattering from periodic clouds, photonic bands


Date of presentationSpeakerTopic
08.11.2023 presential Anna Cristina Cavallari Inacio The Goos-Hänchen shift
08.11.2023 presential Bruno Trebbi Emission of radiation by a charged particle in gravity
08.11.2023 presential Diego Franca de Oliveira Magnetic monopoles
08.11.2023 presential Jaime J.B. Marquez The Thomas precession
22.11.2023 presential Julia Marcolan Teixeira Superconductivity and the Meissner effect
22.11.2023 presential Lucas Gois Tavares Radiation reaction
22.11.2023 presential Luis Augusto Pereira Mie scattering and the first and second rainbow
22.11.2023 presential Marcelo da Silva Cruz The free-electron laser
27.11.2023 presential Nathan Barbola Marucci Bremsstrahlung
27.11.2023 presential Vinicius dos Santos Malafatti Cerenkov radiation
27.11.2023 presential Vinícius Pereira Pinto The Kerr effect
27.11.2023 presential Willer Frank de Sousa Oliveira The Drude model

Evaluation criteria for the seminar:
  Structure: motivation and contextualization, introduction and outline of the organization of the presentation, conclusion
  Content: choice of topics, logical organization and didactics of argumentation, preparation to answer questions and to survive a discussion
  Didactics: abundant use of examples and schemes, interpretation and discussion of results, implication of the audience, capacity of raising curiosity in the audience
  Presentation:clarity and conciseness, organization of the talk or the blackboard, fluency of the presentation
The active participation of every student in discussions following the presentations of other students will also be evaluated!
Link to the booklet of the course 'Electromagnetism'

Suggestions for seminar topics:The quantum Hall effect,
Quantization of the electromagnetic field,
Magnetic monopoles,
The Thomas precession,
Superconductivity and the Meissner effect,
Cerenkov radiation,
The Drude model for interaction of radiation with metals,
The Abraham-Minkowski dilemma,
The free electron laser,
The Aharanov-Bohm effect,
Forbidden photonic bands and photonic crystals,
Radiative forces and the Lorentz model,
The ionossphere as a resonant cavity: Schumann resonances,
Emission of radiation by a charged particle in gravity,
The Kramers-Kronig relations,
The Kerr effect,
The Goos-Hänchen shift,
Anderson localization,
Mie scattering and the first and second rainbow.